Friday Favourites – Back to University


With my first week of my final year over and the year ahead I have explored this week images and objects which will give me the initial inspiration to push forward!


Favourite Building


I was shown this image during a presentation of my technology module. I have been expose and explored Peter Zumthor’s work over the years but this image has enlightened my experience of his works. This image is magical, the room does not seem to have any limits, and I do not want any limits on myself this year!

Image from –


Favourite Photo


I can not recall how I came across this photo, more than likely just one night scrolling through websites (best time to find new pieces!). This building makes me wonder what it was like when it was in its prime, how did people use it? How has it gotten to the state it has now? With my specialisation of IARD from Oxford Brookes embedded within my architectural scope, can this building be brought back to life? An amazing image to ponder over.


More can be found here –


 Favourite Medium


Yes it could be classed as another photo, but I see it as inspiration for the year ahead and using the idea as a new medium. FQWimages describes photography as a ‘medium that is famous for freezing time’. There is plenty more to gaze over at the link below.


Time Paintings (formerly TIAD)


Favourite Art


These drawings are out of the world, amazing! There is always something special about hand drawings, and these ones give me the inspiration to get drawing!!anamorphosis/c2549


Just for Fun




End of university road trip?! Well this architecture student had the right idea! This bus has been transformed into a very cool and desirable ‘campervan’.


Hi – I’m Hank and I bought a Bus!

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