Year 2 – MArchD, Oxford Brookes University


After an incredibly long summer it was straight back into architecture reality (or fantasy) this week. The movement of time has definitely made me aware that this is my final year of my masters course at Brookes and also my time as a full time architecture student!

The first day back was a filled with presentations by the different design studio tutors and module tutors. There was approval from all for a smaller workload for MPL than was originally expected as we did the majority of the load during the first year! It was nice to catch up with everyone, hearing about their summers, it felt like we had never been away! Overall the year looks like it will be busy.. a kick start for the world of full time employment and then onto Part 3 examination!

I have recently found out that my studio with be DS2 – ‘Emergent Hybrids: Disaster & the Scenic Spectacle’, with tutors Harriet Harriss and Lionel Real De Azua. This was my first choice for my studio selection and I am very pleased that I have this opportunity. This studio will explore how over the last twenty years there has been a dramatic increase to natural disasters and how we as architects building in response to this climate change.

So for my final year I would like to explore how the dynamics of architecture can enhance the environment, people’s lives and also the future. Through analysing the discourse of environmental impacts on our society I wish to scrutinise how architecture and architects can respond to this ever growing issue. Coming from the small island of Guernsey, I have seen first hand how powerful the sea can be, with several issues over the last few years where the sea has destroyed coastal roads and flooded the sea front.

Throughout the year I hope to question this form of architecture with new and traditional methodologies, contributing to the continuing discourse.   This year will no doubt be one I will never forget; filled with fun, laughter, tears (lots of tears…), model making, trips and exploring an element of architecture that is new, so I can take my new found knowledge into the world!

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