A book that speaks of no rules when designing and being creative?! Well this seems like a dream come true and one book I wish I had of read before commencing my final year of my masters!
I would seriously recommend this book to anyone within the creative industry or anyone that wants to be creative.
A few of the these so called ‘rules’ (they are more of a combined set of guidelines) echoed and greatly emphasised what my design tutors were telling me during my tutorial sessions. Reading the book though seemed to have more weight in the words. Instead of hearing a different quote or guide to designing on a weekly basis, it was all complied into this small book as a lot of the ideas are linked and naturally depend on the person. I am a person who seems to work absolutely fine in a ‘bomb has hit’ my office space, my mess is perfectly organised… Hegarty demonstrates there is two types of creative process ‘Chaos vs. Process’. I seem to start out with a set process to designing and producing work each week but as hand-in date looms that all seems to go out the window and the chaotic process takes over…
There was one element which really hit home and also could be a useful conversation to have with design tutors of any industry.