Refurbished Rocarc


Welcome to the new face of the rocarc website!

One of my jobs this summer (well.. mainly my partner’s…) was the construction of the new website. I was not content with the old one where I felt it looked dated and wanted something a bit more cleaner and slicker, which is hopefully what the new website is!

At a quick glance the new website has a few new features such as being a responsive website; adjusting to the device you are viewing rocarc on. With everyone having mobile devices such as phones, tablets and laptops at hand 24 hours of the day I feel my website really benefits from this feature.

Images should pack a punch and the new set up allows me to show off my projects with size and quality are not compromised.

The main change for me is not just the aesthetics but how I use the ‘behind the scenes’ of the website. The old website was build in drupal but the new one which has been built in WordPress, is incredibly easy to use! I have alot more control over the content and how I display blogs and portfolio items.

So have a look around and let me know what you think!

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